News >> Politics >> Mirror

'This Conservative Government is failing - seeking scapegoats to smear amid disasters'

Wes Streeting fighting to pull children out of 'Victorian poverty'

Football clubs slammed for taking advantage of fans after hiking season ticket prices

Cost of living march was a sea of people who deserve better vowing to 'turn the tables'

Ministers must 'get around the table' with unions to stop 'cruel' rail strikes, says Tory MP

Keir Starmer tells Labour to plan for succession in case leader is forced to quit

Security 'cheered' as Rwanda deportation flight halted and refugees let off plane

'Resignation of PM's ethics adviser shows the Government is falling apart'

'Keir Starmer needs to get real and put pressure on PM after ethics adviser quit'

Labour MPs who found loophole in Government's online harms bill targeted for abuse

Vote tactically in Tiverton to give Boris Johnson 'knock out blow', Ed Davey says

'Labour leader Keir Starmer knows that slow and steady is the way to win the race'

Two No10 figures failed to return Partygate questionnaires, police confirm

Tory by-election candidate who jibed at 'parachuted' rival doesn't live in seat

Diva Jacob Rees-Mogg accused of making Parliament security staff's jobs harder

Top Boris Johnson strategist repeatedly branded NHS 's***e' in unearthed tweeets

'Mr Loophole' lawyer urges Government to make riding scooters on pavements criminal

Tory chiefs' bizarre begging letter as Boris Johnson accused of wanting train strikes

'My wages no longer cover everything I have to pay out due to soaring bills'

'I'm no outsider': Labour's Wakefield by-election candidate Simon Lightwood insists

Boris Johnson's week of misery as Tories face Wakefield by-election crunch

Labour victory in Wakefield will be a 'big step' to win back the Red Wall, Andy Burnham says

Boris Johnson planning to axe three top ministers in cabinet reshuffle, sources say

'Government should listen to workers marching to demand a better deal'

Workers may need to consider general strike as it happened in 1926, top union chief says

'Rishi Sunak's measures to help people struggling with cost of living came far too late'

'Over-60s are the luckiest around and should get their kicks for as long as they can'

Boris Johnson jets to Kyiv for second surprise meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky

'Tories have conned working people and pinched their pay for too long'

'Workers can and should demand pay rise - profits drive up inflation, not wages'

Cost of living We Demand Better march - when it's on and why it's happening

'The Only Way Is Ethics: Who will advise Boris Johnson now?'

Underpaid workers fighting new 'Battle of Hastings' in 'class war' for decent wages

Boris Johnson pulls out of northern Tory conference as crunch Red Wall by-election looms

Andy Burnham backs striking rail staff and warns Labour must be clear what it stands for

EU backs Ukraine's bid to join bloc as Putin's war unites Europe

'Labour needs much more confidence in our values - and vibrant voices outside London'

Boris Johnson warned refusal to appoint ethics chief would be 'big mistake'

Priti Patel signs order to extradite Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to US

Northern Tories tell Boris Johnson to cut taxes or risk an election wipeout

'I'm a 72-year-old councillor and I've had to take on THREE jobs to make ends meet'

Brits warned UK 'may already be in recession' as inflation could climb to 11%

Putin has already ‘strategically lost’ Ukraine war, says head of UK armed forces

'Lord Geidt's resignation is proof of rottenness at the heart of Downing Street'

Strikes 'not easy to organise' and need 'burning sense of injustice', says union boss

How do I claim rail strike compensation? Refunds under Delay Repay scheme explained

Tory says voters should back them as 'people still trust GPs despite Harold Shipman'

Labour celebrates 100 years of Welsh wins - and here's how the party did it

Tory plan to break rail strikes by using agency staff branded dangerous 'arson'

Boris Johnson's 'hall of shame' as ministers accused of breaking rules 29 times on his watch

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2024-10-22 11:25:09