News >> Environment >> Frontline

Biological Diversity (Amendment) Bill favours corporate control over biodiversity

Tracking turtles from the sky 

Mulch munchers: How millipedes contribute to conservation

Mulch munchers

Going green: Mumbai's promising Climate Action Plan restrained by prevailing development policies

Butterflies as nature’s early warning system

Nature’s early warning system

The monarchs of Kashmir's mountains

Monarchs of the mountains

Being sensitive to bias in environmental writing

Thane creek soon to be Maharashtra’s first urban Ramsar site

Amazing ants

Amazing ants

Maharashtra constitutes State Tree Authority to protect trees in urban areas

Threats to the Kulsi river in Assam

Squeezing a river dry

Missing forests: Govt report makes tall claims

Vanishing village victim of hydro electric power project

Saving the tiger in Sathyamangalam

Saving the greater adjutant stork from extinction

Different storks

Elephantine journey: Maharashtra's elephant corridor bodes well for conservation efforts

The wonders of the deep seas

Ecosystems of the deep seas

The importance of protecting Pulicat Lake

Precious Pulicat

United on exclusion: States insist on demarcating more area in the Western Ghats from 'ecologically sensitive' category

Wings of hope: How India’s coasts and estuaries sustain shorebird and seabird populations

Wings of hope

Through a chronicler's lens

Through a chronicler's lens: Interview with wildlife photographer Percy Fernandez

The 21-day operation to capture tiger T23

On the trail of T23

River as a living entity

The rights of rivers

An NGO gives urban wildlife in Mumbai and its environs a helping hand during the lockdown

A helping hand

Protests in Gujarat against corporate projects that threaten people’s livelihoods and damage the environment

The takeaway messages in the IPCC’s AR6: What does it mean for India?

IPCC issues dire warning on global warming

IPCC calls for immediate action rather than rhetorical references to a “climate crisis”

Chipko: A movement that gave forest conservation a new life

The hug of life

Illegal stone quarrying in Karnataka’s Mandya region

Like vertebrates, insects too have ears to hear

It's all ears

Enchanting Bhutan

Bhutan's biodiversity

Conservation and happiness

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2024-09-16 21:58:16