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South Caucasus Weekly Review looks into major developments in Armenia, Georgia & Azerbaijan

Link [2022-12-14 15:18:46]

By AzernewsFatima HasanovaThis project of Azernews is designed to cover major weekly developments in the South Caucasus nations.HIGHLIGHTSAzeri-Turkish drills are directed against Armenia and Iran, Armenian lawmaker warnsArmenia maintains that normalization with Turkiye and Azerbaijan are separate processesParliament Speaker considers possible Aliyev-Pashinyan meeting by yearendGeorgian government to provide Ukraine with humanitarian aid, generatorsEuropean Council adopts decision not to accept Russian documents issued by Georgia & UkraineGeorgia regional leader of Eastern Europe & Central Asia in fighting corruption - PMGeorgian premier irked about talk on imprisoned ex-presidentAzerbaijan, Turkiye host 14th military dialogue meeting in AnkaraAzerbaijani, Turkish defense chiefs observe Fraternal Fist drillsAzerbaijani, Russian, Armenian top prosecutors meet in MoscowBaku, Jakarta mull efforts to increase business investmentARMENIAAzeri-Turkish drills directed against Armenia and Iran, warns lawmakerAccording to ex-defense minister Seyran Ohanyan, a member of parliament from the opposition Hayastan faction, the ongoing Azerbaijani-Turkish joint military exercises are aimed at Armenia and Iran. Ohanyan told reporters that the Azeri-Turkish drills have several objectives.“First of all, they are increasing the cooperation and readiness of the Turkish and Azerbaijani militaries for solving any given task. If the exercises are held on the borders of Armenia and Iran and the objective of the participants of the exercises includes, for example, crossing a river, this means that the exercises are directed against the countries neighboring Turkiye and Azerbaijan and that they have problems with these countries. Second, it is a show of force to Armenia and Iran. It is also obvious that a conflict between the West and Iran exists in this region, while the representative of the West in the region and in the South Caucasus is Turkiye. In conclusion, the Turkish military exercises are explicitly directed against Iran as well,” Ohanyan said.The Hayastan faction leader added that this is why the Iranian leadership has long stated that any change in borders in the region is unacceptable to them, particularly in the Syunik province section.Ohanyan attached importance to the Armenian-Iranian friendship, stressing that Iran has a very serious role in this region.According to the lawmaker, the situation in the region is extremely tense, particularly the security environment surrounding Armenia and Artsakh (Karabakh), and hostilities could erupt any time.“Under such circumstances, the Armenian armed forces must draw a serious conclusion, our country must give a serious assessment of the military-political situation. Serious work must be done for supplementing the armed forces and holding similar drills. They must be of defensive nature, and why not also preventative,” Ohanyan concluded.Armenia maintains that normalization with Turkiye and Azerbaijan are separate processesSecretary of the Armenian Security Council Armen Grigoryan stressed that Armenia still maintains that the normalization of the relations with Turkiye and Azerbaijan are separate processes.“Armenia’s attitude continues to be that the processes of normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkiye and Armenia and Azerbaijan are separate from each other; we have never viewed, and will not view them as combined. The normalization of relations with both countries is a very difficult process. Interconnecting them with each other is complicating achieving progress. The more these processes stay separate, the more chance there is for advancing,” he said.Parliament Speaker considers possible Aliyev-Pashinyan meeting by yearendArmenian Parliament Speaker Alen Simonyan considers possible a meeting between Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan by the end of the year.The Speaker also answered questions regarding the possibility and place of this meeting.“There is no information where the meeting will take place, but we are not limited to the option of meeting in Brussels only and are ready for any meaningful discussion. You know that yesterday a meeting was held at the level of deputy prime ministers and also an agreement was reached about the next meeting. I want to state once again that we have no concrete information yet about the meeting at the level of leaders of the countries, but there may be a meeting by the end of the year,” the Speaker said.GEORGIAIn order to provide humanitarian aid, generators to be sent to Ukraine – Georgian GovernmentGovernment Administration reports that with the decision of the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Garibashvili, in order to provide humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian people, generators will be purchased.“Since the beginning of the war, the Government of Georgia has never neglected our Ukrainian friends, the population of Ukraine, and has helped them as much as possible. The proof of this is that Georgia remains in first place among the countries that have provided humanitarian aid to this state. I would definitely like to mention the support that the state continues today. 26,000 people, citizens of Ukraine, who currently live on the territory of Georgia, receive appropriate financial support, as well as appropriate support in the educational and medical direction. 2345 young people are currently studying in different schools in Georgia, including 1565 in the Ukrainian language. More than 900 people were provided with medical support within the framework of referral programs in various medical institutions. As of December 1, the approximate support provided by the state to the citizens of Ukraine amounts to 32 million GEL,” stated Head of the Governmental Administration Revaz Javelidze.He noted, their support has never stopped and it is not clear why a stir was created due to alleged non-consideration of various proposals that entered various agencies of Georgia, including the Governmental Administration.“We are studying all these proposals in great detail, and as the Prime Minister instructed specifically regarding the generators, the corresponding purchase will be made by the Ministry of Economy, and the appropriate support and the requested equipment will be sent to our Ukrainian friends,” concluded Javelidze.European Council adopts decision not to accept Russian documents issued in Georgia & UkraineThe European Council adopted a decision on the non-acceptance of Russian travel documents issued in Ukraine and Georgia, reads the information posted on the official page of the European Council.“This decision is a response to Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine and Russia’s practice of issuing Russian international passports to residents of the occupied regions. It also follows Russia’s unilateral decision to recognize the independence of the Georgian territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in 2008.“Russian travel documents issued in, or to persons resident in, Russian-occupied regions in Ukraine or breakaway territories in Georgia will not be accepted as valid travel documents for obtaining a visa or crossing the borders of the Schengen area.“Russian travel documents issued in these regions are already not recognized, or in the process of not being recognized, by EU member states. This decision aims to set out a common approach, ensure the proper functioning of the external border and common visa policies and safeguard the security of EU member states”, reads the information.In terms of fighting corruption, Georgia continues to be regional leader of Eastern Europe & Central Asia - PM“Georgia continues to mark International Anti-Corruption Day with leading positions. Corruption is the prime challenge of any democracy, economic development, and public stability,” noted the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Garibashvili.He pointed out, since coming to power, they have been making great efforts against this malpractice by implementing the reform of anti-corruption legislation, ensuring openness of the government and public engagement in the processes.“Results are impressive, as we have been maintaining our position among the leading countries of the world for the past six years. Georgia continues to be a leader in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, even being ahead of a number of EU and NATO Member States. Our progress is highly commanded by our foreign friends and high-ranking political figures. Irreconcilable fights against corruption remain to be our key priority, by empowering accountable and open governance in the country,” noted Garibashvili.I am done with talking about the prisoner – Georgian PMGeorgia's Prime Minister refused to answer questions concerning Mikheil Saakashvili.“Naturally, we got acquainted with the decision of the Strasbourg Court. The Minister of Justice will give a detailed explanation. I do not want to comment at length on this topic. This is not my prerogative. I told you I had finished talking about the prisoner and the prisoners. There are a lot of issues, a lot of problems in the country, and I only talk and concentrate on this topic,” said Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili.Earlier, before the statement of the Prime Minister, Justice Minister Rati Bregadze published a post on his Facebook page, stating the European Court of Human Rights had rejected Saakashvili’s complaint regarding his wish to transfer to a private clinic and had asked him to end his hunger strike.AZERBAIJANAzerbaijan, Turkiye host 14th military dialogue in AnkaraAnkara hosted the 14th Meeting of the Azerbaijani-Turkish High-Level Military Dialogue, Azernews reports, citing the Defense Ministry.Ahead of the meeting, the Azerbaijani delegation paid homage to the monument of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and Turkiye's founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.At the meetings with Turkish Chief of the General Staff Army General Yashar Guler, and Second Chief of the General Staff Army General Selcuk Bayraktaroglu, Lt-Gen Heydar Piriyev discussed in detail the prospects of the development of cooperation between both countries in the military, military-technical, military-educational, and other spheres, as well as topics of mutual interest.Azerbaijani, Turkish defense chiefs observe Fraternal Fist drillsJoint exercises, dubbed as Fraternal Fist, are underway in Azerbaijan with representatives of the Turkiye military forces, Azernews reports per the ministry.The exercises involving servicemen from different types of troops, combat and special engineer-sapper equipment, as well as military jets of the Azerbaijani and the Turkish armed forces are being held in Baku city, as well as Astara, Jabrayil, and Imishli districts on the border with Iran.Under the scenario, units of the Land Forces, Air Forces, Special Forces, Engineering Troops, Rocket and Artillery Troops of the Azerbaijani Army jointly with the Turkish servicemen are performing various combat training tasks.In the military drills, various tasks on using modern combat methods, applying artillery, aviation, and other types of troops in military operations, organizing their activities in interoperability mode, building pontoon bridges to open a passage over rivers, landing paratroopers into the depths of the imaginary enemy are also being accomplished.The focal point of the exercises is to ensure combat coordination during the interoperability of troops, improving control, sharing experience, and increasing the professionalism of military personnel.In the course of the Fraternal Fist drills, various tasks were also fulfilled at nighttime and in conditions of limited visibility.At this stage of the exercises, tasks on destroying an imaginary enemy’s equipment and manpower in conditions of direct contact were accomplished.Servicemen of both fraternal nations are demonstrating high professionalism during the military exercises designed to ensure combat interoperability during the troops' interaction, improve control, exchange experience and increase the professionalism of the military personnel.Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov, Turkiye's National Defense Minister Hulusu Akar, and other top officers observed the Fraternal Fist drills at the training ground.They were informed that according to the scenario of the military exercises, the Ground Forces, Air Forces, Special Forces, engineering troops, units of the rocket and artillery troops of the Azerbaijan Army, in cooperation with the servicemen of the Turkish Armed Forces, are performing various combat training tasks with high professionalism.Zakir Hasanov and the Turkish delegation headed by Hulusu Akar watched through special monitors the performance of tasks in the military exercises being held in Azerbaijan’s Astara, Jabrayil, and Imishli Districts.In conclusion, the tasks completed in all directions were analyzed together with the command staff via video link.Highly appreciating the joint exercises, the defense ministers gave appropriate recommendations for better organization of the exercises and improvement of the personnel's professionalism.Azerbaijani, Russian, Armenian prosecutor generals meet in MoscowAzerbaijani, Russian and Armenian prosecutor generals held a meeting in Moscow on December 8, Azernews reports, citing Azerbaijan’s Prosecutor General's Office.During the meeting, Azerbaijani Prosecutor General Kamran Aliyev outlined the importance of minefield maps to protect the life and health of people. He also condemned illegal visits paid to liberated Karabakh, as well as illicit exploitation of Azerbaijan's natural resources.He stressed the importance of continuing the process of joint activities to find Azerbaijanis who went missing after the first and second Karabakh wars.Moreover, Kamran Aliyev emphasized Azerbaijan's full compliance with the trilateral statements of November 10, 2020, January 11, and November 26, 2021.The officials also discussed the implementation of statements signed by the Azerbaijani, Russian and Armenian leaders, as well as mechanisms for further cooperation in the legal field.?Baku, Jakarta mull efforts to increase business investmentAzerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Elnur Mammadov and Head of Indonesian Foreign Policy Agency Strategy Yayan Mulyana discussed efforts to increase business and bilateral investment, Azernews reports.The discussion took place during the 3rd Political Planning Dialogue between the foreign ministries of the two countries in Jakarta on December 6.Further, the sides discussed the current state of relations between the countries, prospects for the future, political, economical, trade, cultural, educational, consular, and other issues. The prospects for cooperation within the UN, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation(OIC), and ASEAN/AIPA were also mulled.Noting that 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations and all-inclusive cooperation between the two countries, Mammadov stressed the great potential for further development of relations between the two countries. He thanked Indonesia for the constant support of Azerbaijan, including during the 44-day second Karabakh War.The minister updated on the new regional realities in the post-Karabakh conflict period, reconstruction activities in Azerbaijan's liberated territories, the normalization of Azerbaijani-Armenian relations, and Azerbaijan's peace efforts to open communication routes. He stressed that the provocations committed by Armenia are posing a threat to the regional stability.During the discussion, the sides agreed to take all necessary steps to arrange business meetings for businesspersons from the two countries.Mammadov said that currently, there are 90 Indonesian companies registered in Azerbaijan. Some of these companies have applied for projects which will be implemented in the regained territories in Karabakh.Meanwhile, on the amount of trade turnover, Mammadov said that the trade between the two countries had reached around $500 million this year.Indonesia recognized Azerbaijan's independence on December 28, 1991, and diplomatic relations between the two countries were established on September 24, 1992.The two countries actively cooperate in international organizations and always support each other in the UN, OIC, NAM, and other international organizations.Both countries recognize and support their territorial integrity and sovereignty within their internationally recognized borders. Around 12 documents were signed between the two countries.

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