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Bursa hands symbol of cultural capital over to Shusha

Link [2022-12-13 09:58:40]

By AzernewsBy Laman IsmayilovaWith centuries-old history, Shusha city has been officially declared the Cultural Capital of Turkic World 2023, Azernews reports.Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Alinur Aktash handed the symbol of the cultural capital of the Turkic World over to the Special Representative of the Azerbaijani President for Shusha, Aydin Karimov.Speaking at the ceremony, TURKSOY Secretary General Sultan Rayev, Secretary General of the OTS Secretariat Kubanychbek Omuraliyev, Governor of Bursa Province Yakup Janbolat, Mayor of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Alinur Aktash described the announcement of Shusha, the cradle of rich historical and cultural heritage, the homeland of geniuses, and an impregnable fortress - the Cultural capital of the Turkic World in 2023 as a new and magnificent page of history.Considering Shusha's historical and cultural significance, TURKSOY Permanent Council earlier declared the city the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World in 2023.The decision was made by the TURKSOY Permanent Council at an extraordinary meeting in Bursa, Turkiye.As a manifestation of special respect for Shusha, the decision became a new symbol of unity and solidarity of the entire Turkic world and contributed to the work of further expansion of the prospects for cooperation among the Turkic peoples.At the same time, President Ilham Aliyev signed an order declaring the city of Shusha as Azerbaijan's cultural capital in order to restore Shusha's historical appearance, bring its former glory to the city as well reunite it with the traditionally rich cultural life.Major work is carried out to restore historical, cultural, and religious sights in the city liberated from almost three decades of the Armenian occupation.Numerous cultural and sports events will be held in the city, including joint projects with the Turkic-speaking states.

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