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Azerbaijanis continue protests near Shusha for sixth day

Link [2022-12-17 11:02:46]

By Sabina MammadliA peaceful protest near Shusha by Azerbaijani eco-activists, NGO representatives has entered the sixth day, Azernews reports.The rally participants demand the arrival of Gen Volkov of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, the establishment of conditions to monitor the illicit exploitation of the country's mineral resources, and the cessation of Armenia's environmental terrorism on Azerbaijani lands.The protesters also call for the border and customs post set-up in the Lachin direction of the border with Armenia, as well as the interdiction of arms smuggling into Azerbaijan.Earlier, the protesters laid out the inscription "Stop eco-terror" from candles, chanting the same slogan.On Friday the protesters expressed support for the servicemen of the Internal Troops of Azerbaijan, who were replaced at their post.Since December 12, Azerbaijani eco-activists and representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have been protesting near Shusha against the failure of the Russian peacekeepers in the region to provide unimpeded access of Azerbaijani experts to monitor the illicit exploitation of the country's mineral resources.The pickets on the Khankandi-Shusha section of the road are urging the Russian peacekeepers to prevent the separatists and their foreign patrons from brazenly plundering Azerbaijani mineral resources. The current situation in the area is a direct result of the Azerbaijani public dissatisfaction with illegal economic activities, theft of natural resources, and environmental damage to the territory of Azerbaijan.What has led to the current state of events is growing public discontent over a plethora of issues, such as the misuse of the Lachin road; the shady business ties of Ruben Vardanyan, the so-called “first minister” of the regional separatists with Maj-Gen Volkov, the commander of the Russian contingent.More specifically, following discussions with the command of the Russian peacekeeping contingent on December 3 and 7, 2022, Azerbaijani specialists from the Ministries of Economy, Ecology, and Natural Resources, the State Service for Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy, and AzerGold Company were to conduct primary monitoring on illegal exploitation of mineral deposits on Azerbaijani territory. However, the monitoring failed due to the provocation of local Armenians.

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