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Amid Iran's growing rhetoric & threats, Azerbaijan, Turkiye holding joint military drills ...

Link [2022-12-05 16:54:44]

By AzernewsBy Fatima HasanovaOn December 5, units of the Azerbaijani-Turkish armed forces kicked off joint exercises in accordance with the agreement on cooperation in the military sector, Azernews reports per Trend.The drills are also taking place in Baku and several Azerbaijani districts bordering Iran for the purpose of boosting the defense capabilities of the country through joint exercises. The main focus of the military exercises is to ensure combat coordination during the interoperability of troops, improving control, sharing of experience, and increasing professionalism. The drills are believed to be a clear message to the Iranian regime, which uses the rhetoric of threats against Azerbaijan.One of the interesting parts of the exercises is the passage of manpower and military equipment across the Araz River. It is also a clear response to Iran's military recent military exercises on the border with Azerbaijan. The armies of two fraternal states - Azerbaijan and Türkiye - once again demonstrate their might and professionalism.Azerbaijan and Turkiye periodically hold joint drills to improve interaction and communication between units of the armed forces. Military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkiye first started in 1992, with an agreement signed between the Azerbaijani and Turkish governments on military education and weapon equipment and deals to help strengthen the bond between the two nations.On June 15, the two countries signed a memorandum of alliance that cemented the existing military, political and economic cooperation.The Shusha Declaration on Allied Relations that President Ilham Aliyev and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed during the first official visit to Shusha eight months after Azerbaijan’s victory in the war with Armenia, also focuses on defense cooperation.It affirms joint efforts by the two armies in the face of foreign threats. The declaration also pledges joint efforts for the restructuring and modernization of the armed forces. Moreover, the two nations affirm to encourage the execution of joint projects with the aim of developing capabilities in the field of sea, air, and space.In an interview with Turkiye's Anadolu Agency on September 27, President Ilham Aliyev said that the signing of the Shusha Declaration raised bilateral relations to an even higher level.In one of his recent comments on the military relations between Azerbaijan and Turkiye, President Ilham Aliyev said.“Vision is absolutely clear. We are brothers and friends, we are allies. Last year in Shusha we formalized actually what has been already achieved. We officially became allies by signing the Declaration on Allied Relations. Once again it was just a formalization of the reality because for many years Azerbaijan and Turkiye act like allies. We highly value this level of cooperation, partnership, and brotherhood. We are absolutely sure that our cooperation will only strengthen in all the areas. This is a very important factor of regional stability because Turkish-Azerbaijani cooperation and actions in the region aim to strengthen regional stability and this factor must be taken into account by all,” Ilham Aliyev said.The president stressed that the two countries are combining their potential.“Together we are stronger than when we are separate. This is clear. The potential of Turkiye is growing. The potential of Azerbaijan is growing. Not only economic, industrial, but also military. Today’s world demonstrates that this is the factor number 1 for every country. If don’t have strong military forces you will probably suffer bitter days. So, investments in defense infrastructure, joint initiatives, and joint military training. We regularly have more than ten joint military training with Turkiye during one year in Turkiye, Azerbaijan. So, this is an important factor in regional stability and our security. All those who have bad plans against Azerbaijan or Turkiye should know that the Turkish army is not only the Turkish army but it is our army, and our army is not only our army but is the Turkish army. All those who plan provocations on our border trying to frighten us should never forget it,” President Aliyev said.</p></h2> </body> </html>

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