World >> The Tribune

UK tables ‘world-first’ online safety law in Parliament

Link [2022-03-17 22:54:55]

London, March 17

The UK government said internet users are closer to a safer online environment across websites and social media platforms as its "world-first" online safety law was tabled in Parliament on Thursday.

The Online Safety Bill has been dubbed a milestone in the fight for a new digital age, which will hand the country's communications watchdog the power to fine or even ban offensive websites.

It is also designed to protect children from harmful content such as pornography and limit people's exposure to illegal content. The government has said the measures will clamp down on harmful activity online while protecting freedom of speech.

"The internet has transformed our lives for the better. It's connected us and empowered us. But on the other side, tech firms haven't been held to account when harm, abuse and criminal behaviour have run riot on their platforms. Instead they have been left to mark their own homework," said UK Digital Secretary Nadine Dorries.

"We don't give it a second's thought when we buckle our seat belts to protect ourselves when driving. Given all the risks online, it's only sensible we ensure similar basic protections for the digital age. If we fail to act, we risk sacrificing the wellbeing and innocence of countless generations of children to the power of unchecked algorithms," she said.

The UK's independent media regulator, Office of Communications (Ofcom), will have the power to fine companies failing to comply with the laws up to 10 per cent of their annual global turnover, force them to improve their practices and block non-compliant sites.

Executives whose companies fail to cooperate with Ofcom's information requests could face prosecution or jail time within two months of the bill becoming law.

A raft of other new offences have also been added to the Bill to make senior managers criminally liable for destroying evidence, failing to attend or providing false information in interviews with Ofcom, and for obstructing the regulator when it enters company offices.

"Our research shows the need for rules that protect users from serious harm, but which also value the great things about being online, including freedom of expression. We're looking forward to starting the job," said Ofcom Chief Executive Melanie Dawes.

The Bill gives Ofcom powers to demand information and data from tech companies, including on the role of their algorithms in selecting and displaying content, so it can assess how they are shielding users from harm.

Ofcom will be able to enter companies' premises to access data and equipment, request interviews with company employees and require companies to undergo an external assessment of how they're keeping users safe.

The new law will also put requirements on social media firms to protect journalism and democratic political debate on their platforms. News content will be completely exempt from any regulation under the Bill, the Department for Culture, Media and Sports (DCMS) stressed.

The Bill was first published as a draft in May last year and has since been tightened with the addition of further harmful online activities such as fraud scams, porn, trolling and cyberflashing. It will now pass through Parliament in the coming weeks before becoming an Act.

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