World >> The Tribune

Security tightened in Paris to keep off 'Freedom Convoys'

Link [2022-02-12 10:14:07]

PARIS, February 11

France mobilised thousands of police personnel in and around Paris and set up checkpoints at toll stations on Friday to keep out 'Freedom Convoys' of motorists converging on the capital for a protest against government Covid curbs.

Despite an order not to enter Paris, motorists protesting restrictions are converging on the French capital from multiple cities across France, inspired by the horn-blaring demonstrations taking place in Canada.

The French "Freedom Convoy" protests, however, show signs of uniting a disparate group against President Emmanuel Macron two months out from April's presidential election, with remnants of the 2018/2019 anti-government "Yellow Vest" movement and some far-right politicians rallying behind the motorists.

The motorists' protest follows waves of demonstrations over France's vaccine pass rules, which require people to show proof of inoculation against Covid to enter bars, restaurants, cinemas and other public spaces.

Whereas in Canada the protests have united truckers angered by a vaccine mandate for crossing borders, in France, it is everyday folk angry over Covid restrictions who are taking to their vehicles. —Reuters

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Toronto: The Biden administration urged Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government on Thursday to use its federal powers to end the truck blockade by Canadians protesting Covid restrictions, as the bumper-to-bumper demonstration forced auto plants on both sides of the border to shut down or scale back production. AP

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