World >> The Tribune

Covid: Locked, angry Shanghai locals protest shortage of essentials

Link [2022-04-11 05:34:22]

New Delhi, April 10

Though Chinese cities have endured several ultra-hard Covid lockdowns, the latest such effort to stamp out the pandemic in Shanghai is encountering resistance, according to a stream of reliable media reports and citizens' social media posts.

The outbreak in China's biggest city last month is said to be the country's worst since Wuhan was locked down late in 2019. Anger is bubbling over mainly due to supply chain disruptions that have led to shortages of food and other amenities. Hospitals too are reportedly overwhelmed by cries for help from the affected.

Public outrage has already led to the Shanghai authorities stopping the practice of separating Covid -positive children from their parents.

People are also opposing the practice of sending patients to quarantine sites instead of home quarantine. Some patients sent into quarantine in neighbouring provinces have added to the angst with stories of pathetic conditions. Netizens have countered glowing state media reports that show hospitals with two or three patients per room. They have complained of being billeted in huge exhibition centres along with thousands of others with no privacy to speak of. The US has raised concerns about China's Covid approach.

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