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KT shows AI-powered robots, traffic control program at tech fair

Link [2022-04-20 13:32:53]

Visitors test AI-powered interactive call assistant at KT booth in the World IT Show 2022 KT Corp., a major South Korean telecommunications company, unveiled its new digital transformation services using artificial intelligence, big data and cloud software at the World IT Show 2022 held on Wednesday in Seoul. The show is the biggest annual information and communications tech (ICT) fair in Korea, hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT Technology.  AI-powered assistant and disinfection robots greeted visitors at the entrance of the KT booth. The disinfection robot, which debuted at an ICT fair in Korea, is equipped with AI and big data for self-driving. It moves around the booth, purifying the air and sterilizing the floor.The disinfection robot cleans the air using plasma technology in a designated area, KT’s Chief Executive Ku Hyeon-Mo said. The robot enables operation of the disinfection system by itself in public spaces for 24 hours.      The telecom company also presented digital transformation in road transportation. The firm’s traffic control center is based on digital twin, a program that uses real-world data to create simulations. The control center analyzes data from closed-circuit television, provides traffic information in real-time and suggests ways of improving traffic flow. This will significantly reduce the 67 trillion won of the annual social cost of traffic congestion, a KT official at the fair said.KT announced on Wednesday that it has completed demonstrating a cooperative intelligent transport system (C-ITS), which supports telecommunications between vehicles, road users and infrastructure, on some 18 major roads in the southeastern city of Ulsan. The demonstration project cost 28 billion won ($22.7 million), including 15 billion won the government has granted.    TO BOOST ROBOTICS BUSINESS AS FUTURE ENGINE GROWTHThe company set up a space for testing an interactive call assistant for small and mid-sized business owners. The AI-powered assistant receives calls, answers inquiries, places orders and makes reservations.   It also showed KT Real Dance, an AI-based app coaching K-pop dance. The app, to be commercialized in the first half of this year, analyzes users’ dance movements, gives tips for improvement and offers information on calories burnt for each body part.Lastly, KT introduced collaborative efforts between itself and its domestic partners, including mobility startup Hycore’s electric wheelchair. The wheelchair has a joystick and wheels embedded with an internet of things and an ultrasound sensor to prevent accidents.KT will accelerate its robotics businesses as a future growth engine, the CEO said to journalists on the day. “Robots will be used in everyday life soon. With a long preparation for robot developments, we will lead the creation of a healthy robotic ecosystem in Korea,” he said.The telecom company is expanding robotics businesses in the medical sector. Last September, it signed an agreement with Samsung Medical Center (SMC) to transform the hospital into a robot-driven smart hospital powered by 5G technologies. The two parties agreed to mobilize a wide range of robots from logistics robots that deliver blood to operating rooms for surgeries to disinfection robots that keep the hospital sanitized.By Han-Gyeol Seonalways@hankyung.comJihyun Kim edited this article.

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