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What’s wrong with this picture? When movie photographs go awry

Link [2022-04-18 14:14:34]

Whether key prop or just part of the set dressing, you might think film productions could create convincing photos. Apparently not. Overworked art directors spill all …

Your film’s plot needs to be moved along, perhaps, or a close connection between characters has to be revealed. Maybe our hero just needs a moment to mourn. Time for a closeup of a nicely framed photograph. A simple shot, you’d think – but no. There are so many examples of terribly edited photos that keen-eyed film fan Justin Gerber went viral with a Twitter thread of the botched images he spotted in a single year, spanning three decades of cinema from 1990’s The Amityville Curse to this year’s The Adam Project.

Gerber found in-film portraits where faces didn’t match their heads, body parts were out of proportion, the lighting was inconsistent and backdrops were unashamedly fake. This phenomenon popped up time and time again, irrespective of the films’ genre, release date or scale of production. But why had such poorly formed images been left in for all to see?

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