World >> The Guardian

These shocking stories show mental health is still not being taken seriously in England | Owen Jones

Link [2022-04-26 09:20:05]

We’re paying £2bn a year to subsidise private mental health hospitals – that’s the cost of government negligence

Last summer, a young man – let’s call him Daniel – walked into a hospital A&E department in England and told doctors that he suffered from schizophrenia. He had struggled with his mental health for years, and now he wanted help. But after he was briefly seen by an early intervention team, he was discharged. A few days later, he stabbed a stranger whom he deemed to be a threat to his life, and now he’s locked away in a prison cell. “I’m devastated for him,” his mother tells me, “and concerned for others in similar situations.”

This is not a broadside against the NHS’s overworked and underpaid army of staff, who overwhelmingly do their best in unnecessarily challenging circumstances. It is instead a plea for attention to solve one of the great under-discussed crises of modern Britain: the mental distress that blights the lives of millions of citizens, and the lack of provision to tackle it.

Owen Jones is a Guardian columnist

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