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The Guardian view on Macron v Le Pen: no room for complacency | Editorial

Link [2022-04-22 01:53:36]

The outgoing French president has lengthened his lead ahead of Sunday’s runoff vote. But the far right is achieving mainstream acceptance

Before Wednesday evening’s traditional presidential debate, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen drew lots to decide who would speak first and on which theme. Having won this preliminary contest, Ms Le Pen chose to open with the cost-of-living crisis – the hot campaign topic that has helped her to successfully normalise her public image and bring French far-right politics in from the cold.

That minor victory was probably as good as it got for the National Rally (formerly National Front) leader. As in 2017, Mr Macron proved himself a far more proficient debater with a better grasp of policy detail. He also embarrassed his opponent by repeatedly highlighting her party’s links to dubious Russian money following a bank loan taken out in 2014. Ms Le Pen maintained her composure and kept her temper – in contrast to five years ago – but emerged the clear loser on the night.

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