Life >> The Guardian

Stop nuking your skin and its natural barrier will function fine | Sali Hughes

Link [2022-03-12 16:17:10]

If you exfoliate too zealously, or overuse retinol, you may damage your skin’s watertight seal. But don’t rush out to buy anything new …

I’m obsessed with skin barrier and believe strongly that it’s impossible to have great-looking skin when this natural, watertight seal is compromised. This happens easily if you’ve exfoliated too zealously, overused strong actives such as retinol, been exposed to the elements without protection, worn medical PPE day after day, or been unwell (a compromised barrier as a result of having Covid seems common – my own was trashed).

A damaged barrier can no longer hang on to the good stuff like fatty acids, cholesterol and ceramides, so skin is left rough, dehydrated, sometimes sensitive, and flat looking (a dull complexion is very often the result of a too-robust approach to tackling skin dullness). Thankfully, the beauty industry is finally taking an interest in the barrier, and I’m hoping this more than a marketing fad.

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