Life >> The Guardian

Newly pregnant? Your life will change – but your skincare need not | Sali Hughes

Link [2022-01-30 17:54:18]

Many products spark fear during this period, but few are off-limits. The main thing is not to start a dramatically different routine

At least 10 times a month, I receive a message on social media from an anxious woman unsure about which products she should ditch while pregnant. This is an inevitable consequence of the boom in active skincare ingredients and its resulting landslide of misinformation, coupled with US pregnancy websites and apps so litigation-averse that they seemingly deem everything but air a hazard to the unborn child.

If you’re newly with-child and keen to rejig your routine, there is not very much that becomes off-limits. As with anything in pregnancy (weightlifting and sushi bingeing, for example), the main thing is not to choose now as the time to start something dramatically new. For instance, if you’re already using a vitamin C serum (considered safe in pregnancy), carry on. But it’s not hugely sensible to introduce a strong one from scratch at a time when your skin may be more sensitive (sunscreens are safe, but if you’re sensitive to synthetic SPF, switch to mineral SPF for a bit).

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