World >> The Guardian

Macron wants to turn Europe into a global giant. But he can’t do it alone | Timothy Garton Ash

Link [2022-04-26 09:20:05]

The newly re-elected French president is determined to transform the EU, but the obstacles are enormous

“We did it. We turned the European Union into a giant, able to hold its own in a world of giants such as China and the United States.” In summer 2027, as the French president, Emmanuel Macron, looks back on his recently completed decade in office, will he be able to say this? A lot will depend on who he means by “we”.

“European sovereignty” is Macron’s term for being a giant in a world of giants. Strategic sovereignty involves not being dependent on Russia for your energy, the US for your security or China for your corporate profits. It’s having a European foreign and security policy muscular enough to deter aggressors such as Vladimir Putin, even if the US has re-elected Donald Trump in 2024. It’s also not relying entirely on others for your microchips, AI and digital platforms. In short, it’s a very long way from where Europe is today.

Timothy Garton Ash is a historian, political writer and Guardian columnist

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