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I voted Tory for 30 years until my dad died alone from Covid. I’ll never forgive them | David Garfinkel

Link [2022-02-08 15:13:47]

The pandemic has proved that the Conservatives have no interest in protecting vulnerable people like my father

David Garfinkel is a spokesperson for Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice

I grew up in a household where we all voted Conservative. I live in a constituency that has voted Tory for the past decade. And if you’d said to me a few years ago that I’d be voting for another party, or perhaps not voting at all, I wouldn’t have believed you. But here I am. Because after seeing how the Conservatives have handled this pandemic, I will never vote for anyone associated with this government. As for the Tory party: our 31-year relationship is over.

Like many people, growing up I took my political cues from my dad. On 11 August last year, at 3.03pm, he passed away after a short battle against Covid, a disease that lasted a mere 11 days from when he first tested positive. He was one of the millions of shielders in the UK who were given a stark choice on “freedom day” last July: stay a prisoner in your own home or risk your life when venturing out. He was 76 and double vaccinated, with an underlying condition for which he took immunosuppressants. But he was full of life and vigour and hope. He wanted to live out his retirement safely and peacefully. And then came freedom day on 19 July. This was a politically charged decision to pretend Covid wasn’t a danger any more. My dad was as cautious as he could be. All he did was go to the shops to buy food and attend his medical appointments. Yet even that was enough to kill him. He was utterly let down by those in power, who he had trusted to make the right decisions and protect vulnerable people.

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