Life >> The Guardian

For summer party season, an anti-work suit is your passport to fun | Jess Cartner-Morley

Link [2022-05-21 23:26:19]

Months of outdoor weddings and birthdays call for a just-ahead-of-the-trend trouser suit in a bold colour

Tis the season for peonies, hay fever and wardrobe dilemmas. Everyone I talk to this time of year has a burning what-should-I-wear issue. It could be a wedding, or an ends-in-a-zero birthday party. Summer has always been peak season for what-to-wear fever because summer events are – or can be – the best of the best. When a summer wedding or party is really good, it’s like a mini-holiday. A fortnight’s worth of sunshine and laughter – and quite often a fortnight’s worth of rosé – knocked back in an afternoon like a shot of tequila. Magic.

This summer, the what-to-wear question feels more urgent than ever. After two summers of cardigan-swaddled picnics, we are not at the top of our dress-up game. And with a 26-month backlog of babies, engagements and graduations to celebrate, a wardrobe challenge is likely to be heading your way soon.

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