Life >> The Guardian

Crossword roundup: why did Douglas-Home pronounce it ‘Hume’?

Link [2022-02-07 23:55:36]

Prime ministers past and, at the time of writing, present – in our pick of the best of the broadsheets’ cryptic clues

In the sample clues below, the links take you to explainers from our beginners series. The setter’s name often links to an interview with him or her, in case you feel like getting to know these people better.

9a Ideal Number Ten parties impossible to find out (14)[ wordplay: anagram (‘parties’) of IDEALNUMBERTEN ][ definition: impossible to find out ]

16a Scandal: Tories for example shown exit? (9)[ wordplay: what the Tories are an example of + synonym for ‘exit’ ][ definition: scandal ]

19d Churchill is victorious – then not, after upset (7)[ wordplay: synonym for ‘is victorious’ + NOT backwards (‘after upset’) ][ definition: Churchill ]

Sir Alec Douglas-Home, who was British prime minister for one year from 1963-64, used to produce crosswords for the Times of London, back in the 1930s. Once, he was sitting next to someone on a train who was struggling with a crossword he had compiled. The man asked for help, and was deeply impressed when his companion got all the answers, apparently without a moment’s thought.

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