Life >> The Guardian

Crossword roundup: old ‘new’ things

Link [2022-06-04 23:09:53]

Names that were not built to last, and more – in our pick of the best of the broadsheets’ cryptic clues

In the sample clues below, the links take you to explainers from our beginners series. The setter’s name often links to an interview with him or her, in case you feel like getting to know these people better.

18a Lied about hosting party, getting funds to fight case (5,3)[ wordplay: jumble (“about”) of LIED, containing (“hosting”) synonym for “party” ][ LEID containing GALA ][ definition: funds to fight case ]

9a Man responsible for stink, reverse of gentleman (5) [ wordplay: abbrev indicating “stink” + backwards (“reverse of”) synonym for “gentleman” ] [ BO + backwards SIR ][ definition: see below ]

1a High-flyer in Tory party close to donor (6)[ wordplay: abbrev for “Tory” + synonym for “party” + last letter of (“close to”) DONOR ][ CON + DO + R ][ definititon: high-flier ]

32a Name coarse person scruff (4)[ wordplay: abbrev for “name” + synonym for “coarse person” ][ N + APE ][ definition: scruff ]

20d It’s a newly built bordering road – it’s more spacious than it looks (6)[ wordplay: jumble (“newly-built”) of ITSA, containing (“bordering”) abbrev for “road” ][ TAIS containing RD ][ definition: it’s more spacious than it looks ]

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