Life >> The Guardian

Crossword roundup: a jeroboam of snakebite?

Link [2022-04-08 21:54:34]

Goths’ favourite tipple and a very old puzzle in our collection of the best of the broadsheets’ cryptics

In the sample clues below, the links take you to explainers from our beginners series. The setter’s name often links to an interview with him or her, in case you feel like getting to know these people better.

16d Quantity of champagne? In France I travel, carrying one-third of bottle (8)[ wordplay: French for “I” + synonym for “travel”, containing (“carrying”) one-third of the letters of BOTTLE ][ JE + ROAM containing BO ][ definition: quantity of, eg, champagne ]

CROSS-WORD VOGUE: The Sunday Times, which has always made a feature of such popular pastimes and skilled games as Acrostics, Chess, and Auction Bridge, has fallen victim to the universal craze of Cross-Word Puzzles.

25a Nasty puncture – it’s been mended touring Alaska (9)[ wordplay: anagram (“mended”) of ITSEBEEN, containing (“touring”) abbrev. for “Alaska” ][ SNEBITE containing AK ][ definition: nasty puncture ]

22a Complaint of English graduate chasing half-cut Bohemians (6)[ wordplay: abbrev. for “English”, then abbrev. for “Master of Arts” (“graduate”) after (“chasing”) half of synonym for “Bohemians” ][ E, then MA after half of CZECHS ][ definition: complaint ]

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