World >> The Guardian

British policing is institutionally racist. Until we admit it we’ll never win back trust | Neil Basu

Link [2022-05-25 14:52:30]

Positive discrimination could encourage more black people to join the police so that our forces better represent their communities

Neil Basu is assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan police

I write this not as a 30-year serving police officer, an assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan police service, a board member of the race and policing action plan group, or the chief constables’ non-executive director on the board of the College of Policing. I write this as the most senior police officer of colour in the UK. I write this as Neil Basu.

More accurately, I write this as Anil Kanti Basu – the mixed-race son of a white Welsh woman and a Bengali Hindu immigrant, invited to the UK on a medical scholarship in 1961 to help build our glorious NHS, Their subsequent treatment would have been entirely recognised by a post-Windrush community that still doesn’t trust the police. I write this with 54 years of lived experience of racism. I understand how they feel.

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