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Boris Johnson’s ‘oven-ready’ deal has left us with egg on our faces | Stewart Lee

Link [2022-05-22 19:14:13]

The PM’s Brexit promises turned out to be not even half-baked

A corrupt and narcissistic leader has backed himself into a corner after a dirty campaign, driven by propaganda and lies; he has trashed international treaties, justifying his actions through deliberate political and historical falsehoods, propagated for decades by pliant client media; and now he is looking for a way out of a seemingly doomed situation.

But that’s enough of Boris Johnson’s Brexit disaster! Putin’s war in Ukraine isn’t going well either!! I’m here all week!!! Try the fish!!!! Sorry, you can’t. We’ve run out. Try the Own Brand I Can’t Believe It’s Not Fish Fish Substitute, you lazy extravagant peasant. But you’ll have to wait until later, after chef has done a 4pm emergency run to the yellow-stickered discount aisle. You might have to just have Party Eggs™®. Get a job! Then get another job!! And don’t forget to tip your waitress!!! Oh, there isn’t one. They’ve all gone back to Europe. Sorry.

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