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Australia news live update: Anthony Albanese says he will ‘try to keep it real’, three-person race for Nationals leadership

Link [2022-05-29 02:22:01]

David Littleproud and Darren Chester plan to challenge Barnaby Joyce for the Coalition minor party’s leadership. Follow all the day’s developments

What next for the Liberals after the election horror show?David Littleproud to run against Barnaby Joyce for National party leadershipHow the Greens and independents took local politics all the way to CanberraGet our free news app; get our morning email briefing

Four people with Covid-19 have died in New South Wales overnight, with the state recording 6545 new cases on Sunday morning, 1146 people in hospital, and 33 in ICU.

Anthony Albanese told Sky News the government remains “committed to delivering what we said we would” - including not scrapping the stage 3 tax cuts. The prime minister, when asked whether the budget and economic circumstances might trigger a rethink, said:

We’re committed to delivering what we said we would. And I’ve said on the stage three cuts that they have been legislated, people are entitled to operate on the basis of that certainty.

This is a budget that’s full of waste and rorts. And we’re going to search for them, find them line by line, and where there there are waste that we can act upon, we certainly will do so.

Of course there are. You have to learn lessons from an outcome like that. And I think the lessons are very clear that the community sent a message. Kristina Keneally is a big loss to our team. She was a valued friend. She was the deputy Senate Leader and it is a loss, but you have to accept outcomes in democratic processes, but you also have to learn from them. And we will take note of the lessons which are there.

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