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As his ‘fauxgan’ act wears thin, desperation is driving Scott Morrison deeper into the dress-up box | Van Badham

Link [2022-03-17 09:33:16]

Serious times require serious leaders. You may not like Anthony Albanese but he’s telling you who he is

Toot! Toot! All aboard the Australian election boat! The ship captain today will be Scott Morrison, as you can tell from the adorable costume he’s wearing. He will also be your hairdresser, your waterboy and something vaguely industrial in sumptuous high-vis. Look! He’s even sweeping a basketball court! This is a man who has FUN HATS for every occasion. He loves beer, once posed like a recently smacked, shaved mammal in a barre class and he’ll be your uke-strummin’, ridgey-didge real Aussie bloke, your daggy dad and your father figure ’til the end of time. Or until the end of his reign as prime minister – although, dear god, doesn’t that seem just as freakin’ eternal?

Why does the Australian prime minister affect more costume changes than a Ru Paul’s Drag Race cabaret act in an exploding dress factory? Because, uh, he wants you to know he’s not pretending to be anyone else. He actually said this – aloud! In front of a camera! – on an episode of Paul Murray Live. He was criticising the Labor leader, Anthony Albanese, his rival in the upcoming election, for having the raw, transformative temerity to lose a bit of weight, get new glasses and buy some new suits.

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