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Media left and Labor seem to think the federal election is about ‘Scott Morrison’s past’

Link [2022-04-04 15:14:35]

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says he thought the upcoming federal election was about the future but the media left and Labor seem to think it’s about Scott Morrison’s past. It comes as Prime Minister Scott Morrison rejected claims, he warned Liberal Party members about his opponent's background and religion in the 2007 preselection for the seat of Cook. “Labor's got almost no policies it wants to talk about, so it has to throw mud instead, in this case, smearing Morrison falsely as a racist; isn't that so out of the Left-wing playbook,” Mr Bolt said. He said Mr Morrison has maintained strong links with Muslim leaders for years, and several have come to his defence, denying the allegations of the Prime Minister being racist. “But doesn’t matter, does it? Simply to be accused of racism these days, well, that’s all the evidence the left needs that you are racist. This character assassination just stinks. “Is it too much to hope that the people throwing the mud are the ones who this time are going to pay for it.”

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