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Dear Maura: He is fixated on my best friend

Link [2022-02-08 14:34:39]

Dear Maura: MY boyfriend has been paying a lot of attention to my best friend lately. I don’t know if anyone else notices this but it’s obvious. I’m 25 and he’s 27. We’ve been together for two years. I see him looking at her when he thinks nobody’s watching him. I caught him one night when he thought I was having a deep conversation with my friend. He was staring at her waiting for a chance to say something, but she was talking to a few people together. So, he just hung there at the edge of the crowd like he was waiting his turn. I don’t know what to say or do because he hasn’t done anything. I don’t know what’s going on. Nobody else has pointed this out, but I know I’m not making this up. I tried to bring her into the conversation the other day about the fact that she hasn’t had a boyfriend for ages, but he just changed the subject. We had a few issues and we stopped seeing each other about four months ago. I messaged him and kind of begged him to come back. We got together again but I always had the feeling that he only did that because it was easier than dealing with my drama. Maybe I’ve created this whole situation. What do you think? Answer: You need to clear the air. It’s interesting that you use the word “drama” in describing your reaction to the break in your relationship. If he is the kind of man who doesn’t like confrontation, then maybe he’s going through the motions with you. Sooner or later these two are going to connect on some level. I think you need to talk to him about how you feel, be open about what you saw. If you move on from here with a healthier and stronger bond, then great. If not, then this just wasn’t meant to be.

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