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Zelensky told Russian Journalists that He was Ready for Big Concessions. Moscow Banned the Interview

Link [2022-03-28 15:13:28]

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky gave an interview to Russian journalists in which he said he was ready for serious concessions, but the Russian media regulator - Roskomnadzor, banned the country's media from broadcasting it.

The conversation was with Ivan Kolpakov, editor-in-chief of Medusa (banned in Russia), Tikhon Dzyadko, editor-in-chief of the Dozhd TV channel (banned in Russia), writer and journalist Mikhail Zigar and Vladimir Soloviev, Kommersant correspondent.

Zelensky said he was ready to discuss a neutral status for Ukraine, as well as the status of a state without nuclear weapons, but only if he receives security guarantees.

Negotiations with Russia also include recognizing Russian as an official language in Ukraine, Zelensky said.

He went even further, pointing out that a compromise with Russia and Donbas is possible.

“An agreement with Russia is possible only if Russian forces withdraw from the country,” he said.

Here is what Zelensky said about the neutral status of the state:

“The guarantees of security and neutrality, the non-nuclear status of our country - we are ready to do it. This is the most important moment. As far as I remember, this was the first point of principle for the Russian Federation. And as far as I can remember, that was the reason they started the war. So this point is a guarantee of Ukraine's security. And since they say it's a guarantee for them too, it makes sense to me. And this is being discussed. This is well thought out, but I am interested in it not becoming another piece of paper like the Budapest Memorandum. We are interested in turning this document into a serious contract”

About the Russian language:

“The greatest damage to the Russian language has been done by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. I think the damage is irreparable. Of course, outside of Russia, people will be embarrassed sometimes to speak Russian in some circles. That's all.”

He said relations with Russia had deteriorated since February 24, the date Putin invaded Ukraine.

“It has deteriorated very much. The emotional component to the Russian Federation, to the people, has been lost. There has been a global, historical and cultural division this month. Globally. It's not just a war. I think it's much worse than that. The deep disappointment is that a large part of the population supports Russia for various reasons. I don't even want to say that this is information brainwashing,” Zelensky said.

About the so-called laboratories for the development of biological weapons in Ukraine:

“It's an anecdote. We have no nuclear weapons, no chemical Biolabs, no chemical weapons.”

Here is Zelensky's conversation with Russian journalists. The video was published by the presidential administration in Kyiv:

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