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Zelensky accused Russia of Mining Humanitarian Corridors

Link [2022-03-08 13:34:10]

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has said the Russian military’s actions are cynical towards the people under siege. In another video address, he said they were mining the roads themselves, which they had agreed on as humanitarian corridors.

The Evacuation Route from Mariupol is Mined, Corridors Lead to Russia and Belarus

“There was an agreement for a humanitarian corridor, but Russian tanks, Grad missiles and mines worked instead. They even mined the road that was agreed to transport products and medicines for people and children in Mariupol. The Russians are even destroying the buses that have to transport the citizens.”

According to Zelensky, Russian propaganda stays away from all this and Moscow creates a picture for its journalists in which they are presented as liberators.

The President of Ukraine also said that yesterday the Russians shelled a bakery and a church built in the late 19th century and called the military on the other side “not human”


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