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Weather in Bulgaria: Today is the Coldest Day of the Month

Link [2022-01-25 13:54:46]

We welcomed the coldest morning of January. Temperatures during the night and in the early hours of Tuesday were between minus 5 and minus 15 degrees Celsius in different parts of the country. It is especially cold in the valleys of Western Bulgaria, the Fore-Balkans and the western sub-Balkan valleys - in these places amateur meteorological stations measured to minus 17 - minus 18 degrees. From the automatic stations of NIMH in Troyan at 5 in the morning it was minus 17.1 degrees, and in Botevgrad - minus 17.4 degrees.

We welcome Tuesday with minimal clouds in the western and central regions of the country and more significant clouds in places around the coast and in the Northeast, where it is possible to have some snow in the hours until noon. In the afternoon, the clouds will clear almost everywhere by sunny weather. Wind will be felt in the Danube plain, Thrace and in the valley of the river Struma. Temperatures in the warmest part of the day - between minus 4 and plus 1 degrees Celsius.

It will be frosty and windy in the mountains. The clouds will break up to sunny weather in the western massifs and will be more significant in the east. In the warmest part of the day, the thermometers will show between minus 7 and minus 14 degrees above sea level.

On Wednesday morning it will be cold again with temperatures in some western regions to minus 8 - minus 9 degrees. The clouds will increase, but only in isolated places will light snow fall. Warming will begin with daily temperatures between 0 and 5-6 degrees.

The warming will continue on Thursday and more significantly on Friday, when in the warm part of the day temperatures will reach 9-10 degrees in some areas. Clouds will form around the mountains on Thursday, but rainfall will be scarce.

During the weekend the clouds will be dynamic with frequent breaks. Light snow will transfer to some areas in the mountains and around them. Daily temperatures will fluctuate slightly between 3 and 8 degrees. /Nova

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