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Lavrov: The West is Planning a Nuclear War

Link [2022-03-05 19:16:14]

The West is planning a nuclear war. This thought did not cross the minds of the Russians.

This was announced by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during a press conference in front of foreign journalists.

Lavrov: If there is a Third World War, it will be Nuclear

“When your President Biden was asked if there was an alternative to sanctions, he said that the only alternative was World War III. And everyone knows that it can only be nuclear. But I want to emphasize that these are statements by Western politicians. Nuclear war is constantly on the minds of Western politicians, but it is not on the minds of the Russians. We will not allow such provocations to throw us off balance. If they start a real war against us, then those who are considering such plans must think very carefully. And they are really considering these plans” Lavrov said in response to a question from an American journalist.

He assured that Moscow plans to wage war “to the very end”. The minister added that the regime in Kyiv was made up of “real killers” and personally accused President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is an ethnic Jew, of being the leader of a “society where Nazism thrives”.

However, Lavrov said he expected a new meeting between the Russian and Ukrainian delegations to be held soon, and flatly rejected claims that the Russian army attacked civilian targets.

He stressed that Russia's dialogue with the West must be based on mutual respect and accused NATO of seeking to maintain its supremacy. According to him, Moscow had very good intentions, but could not allow anyone to undermine its interests.

Lavrov criticized Western countries for refusing to respond to Russia's proposals to change Europe's security architecture. He pointed out that Russia could no longer allow the threat of a direct attack on the Russian Federation to come from the territory of Ukraine, which was supposed to be part of Kyiv's plans.

“We are being told that joining Ukraine in NATO or any other country that is not currently a member of the alliance will not pose a threat to Russia's security. Why would the West determine what is necessary for our security instead of us?” the minister asked. “Yes, the right to choose unions is recognized for each country, but at the same time no country can strengthen its security at the expense of the security of another,” he said. “They just haven't listened to us for 30 years. Our fears are well known in the West and arrogantly ignoring them doesn't work and won't work. Only naive people relied on that,” Lavrov added.

Lavrov also criticized the United States for determining what is needed for Germany and Europe as a whole for their energy security.

“And they decided that Nord Stream 2 was not needed to ensure the EU's energy security, as that security would be provided by the supply of US liquefied natural gas, which is several times more expensive. That's what we're talking about. They hear us, but they don't listen,” he said. “Once upon a time, both Napoleon and Hitler set themselves the task of subjugating Europe. Now the Americans have subjugated it.” /ClubZ

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