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Bulgarians Celebrate Liberation Day

Link [2022-03-05 19:16:14]

With official celebrations and commemoration throughout the country, Bulgarians will celebrate the National Holiday - March 3, we celebrate 144 years since the Liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman rule. The main celebrations will be in the capital, and celebrations will be held in all cities in the country.

Planned Ceremonies for Tomorrow’s Celebration of Bulgaria’s Liberation Day

President Rumen Radev and Vice President Iliana Yotova will take part in the ceremony of raising the national flag of Bulgaria in front of the Monument to the Unknown Soldier in Sofia, where they will pay tribute to the memory of those who died for the freedom of Bulgaria.

The Minister of Defense Dragomir Zakov and the Chief of Defense Admiral Emil Eftimov will take part in the ceremony of raising the National Flag.

The event will be attended by representatives of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and senior officers of the Armed Forces. Representative formations of the National Guard and the Guards Representative Brass Band will take part in the ritual. The flags include sacred flags - Samara flag, Standard of the 1st Cavalry Regiment, Flag of the 23rd Shipka Infantry Regiment, Flag of the 15th Lom Infantry Regiment, Flag of the 13th Rila Infantry Regiment, Flag of the 25th and Dragoman Infantry Regiment, Flag of the 30th Sheinovsky Infantry Regiment and Flag of the 6th Tarnovo Infantry Regiment.

During the performance of the anthem of the Republic of Bulgaria will be performed an artillery salute of 20 volleys from a unit of military formation 22 980.

From 6.30 p.m. on the National Assembly Square will be held the ceremonial fireworks display on the occasion of the National Holiday of Bulgaria. President Rumen Radev will accept the honorary rank of the representative units of the Bulgarian Army. At 6.40 p.m. the head of state will deliver a speech. Vice President Iliana Yotova will also take part in the ceremony. The Speaker of Parliament and MPs will also attend the ceremonial fireworks display in Sofia. The Guards Representative Brass Band and representative units of the National Guard will take part in the ceremonial fireworks display. The commander of the ceremonial inspection (fireworks) will be Brigadier General Todor Todorov - Commander of the Logistics Support Command.

Prime Minister Kiril Petkov will take part in the solemn celebration of Shipka Peak on the occasion of our national holiday - March 3 and the celebration of 144 years since the Liberation of Bulgaria.

The Speaker of the National Assembly Nikola Minchev and MPs will take part in the solemn celebration of Shipka Peak on the national holiday - March 3, and the celebration of 144 years since the Liberation of Bulgaria.

On the eve of the National Holiday - March 3, climbers installed a 32-meter tricolor at the Defenders of Stara Zagora memorial complex.

The celebrations on the holiday will start at 9:30 a.m. with a Prayer for Bulgaria in the Cathedral “St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker of Myra.” At 10:30 a.m. in front of the building of the Municipality of Stara Zagora will be the petition for the raising of the National Flag of the Republic of Bulgaria. At 10:45 a.m., wreaths and flowers will be laid in front of the monuments dedicated to the Liberation of Stapa Zagopa - Monument “Defenders of Stara Zagora”, Mausoleum-Ossuary “Ossuary of July 19, 1877” and the Third Monument Kalitin, Monument to the fallen soldiers in the Battle of Juranli, Monument to the fallen in the wars of Stara Zagora, Monument to the Stara Zagora Uprising.

From 11:30 a.m. wreaths and flowers in memory of known and unknown heroes will be laid at the Memorial Complex “Defenders of Stara Zagora”.

At 12:30 p.m. in the park “Fifth of October” is the concert of the Municipal Brass Band.

At 16:00 p.m. in the Artillery Park Stara Zagora will join the citywide initiative of the Community Center “Mood-2017” “Awakening with dance”.

On the festive March 3, the Regional History Museum and all museum sites will be free and open from 10:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m.

This year, too, the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra in partnership with the National Academy of Music “Prof. Pancho Vladigerov” will delight the audience with the now traditional music marathon “I love Bulgarian music”. Masterpieces by composers such as Alexander Tanev, Dobri Hristov, Georgi Zlatev-Cherkin, Parashkev Hadjiev, Vasil Kazandjiev, Vasko Abadjiev, Georgi Andreev and others will be performed on March 3 at the Bulgaria Concert Complex.

The musical marathon will start at 12 o'clock, when prominent students from Panayot Pipkov National School in Pleven, Hristina Morfova National School of Music in Stara Zagora, Prof. Veselin Stoyanov - Ruse, NUMTI Dobrin Petkov - Plovdiv, NMU Lyubomir Pipkov - Sofia and students from NMA Prof. Pancho Vladigerov - Sofia.

The National Philharmonic Choir with conductor Slavil Dimitrov and the Sofia Soloists Chamber Ensemble with conductor Plamen Djurov will join the marathon at 7 p.m. The concert in the big hall of the concert complex “Bulgaria” is with works by Marin Goleminov, Petko Stoyanov, Mihail Pekov and Pancho Vladigerov. The soloists are the violinists Yordan Dimitrov and Stoimen Peev. /BGNES

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