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Bulgarian Parliament Strongly Condemned the Military Intervention against Ukraine

Link [2022-02-26 11:36:08]

Deputies adopted a Declaration on Russia's military operation against Ukraine.

Here is the full text of the document:

“The National Assembly declares that it strongly condemns the gross violation of international law by the Russian Federation and the encroachment on territorial integrity through military intervention against Ukraine. It supports its partners and allies in the EU and NATO in discussing a package of measures, including sanctions, to de-escalate the conflict. It supports the Bulgarian Government to take the necessary measures commensurate with the seriousness of the challenges to the international security architecture.

Parliament supports the Bulgarian government to consider and offer assistance to Ukraine, corresponding to the capabilities of the Bulgarian state. It supports the Bulgarian government to insist that the protection of the lives and health of civilians in the region be an absolute priority. The National Assembly supports the Bulgarian government to assist in obtaining uninterrupted assistance to Bulgarian citizens and Bulgarians with Ukrainian citizenship living in Ukraine, including the need for evacuation. It expects the Bulgarian government to propose and present a plan to deal with the consequences of the hostilities. It urges the Russian Federation to cease hostilities immediately and return to full compliance with international law.” This is the accepted text of the document.

During the debate, Hristo Ivanov of Democratic Bulgaria said that Bulgaria's national interest is to respect international law. “When there is such a criminal violation of international law, there should be a reaction to it and it should be consolidated. We have an absolutely life-saving need for this international law to be respected because that is what our security is based on,” Hristo Ivanov said.

According to Daniel Mitov from GERB, the Bulgarian government should be supported. “The big question is why we are voting for a declaration at the moment and why it is so urgent. We must give a mandate to the Bulgarian government. It must be clear that the Bulgarian government is supported by the Bulgarian parliament. Second, why sanctions are imposed because this issue has been raised, if there is a legal order, it requires all participants in it to follow the rules under which they signed. If the legal order is violated, sanctions are imposed. This is the normal logic of such a process,” Mitov said.

Georgi Svilenski of the Bulgarian Socialist Party said he wanted the declaration to be voted on point by point, after which his proposal was accepted.

Vazrazhdane (Revival) criticized the declaration and sanctions against Russia. Kostadin Kostadinov stressed that “we have seen this movie. Where are the Bulgarian interests? Do we have an interest in participating in this conflict? We are losing a lot. We lost our freedom years ago, if we were a free state we would not have discussed a declaration with the motive - the others accepted,” Kostadinov said. /Nova

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