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An Interview With Susan Krones, current incumbent of the District Attorney’s office

Link [2022-05-28 16:29:47]

OPINION- It is exceedingly difficult to navigate arguments surrounding the District Attorney election. The two candidates cannot seem to agree on terms to speak about each other on. Depending on who you ask, Anthony Farrington has both no experience in criminal law and a substantial amount of experience in criminal law. Varied word-of-mouth assessments of Susan Krones paint the contradictory picture of an excellent District Attorney and one that is unambitious. In order to gain some clarity on capabilities of the two candidates, I conducted an interview with each of them. I asked each of them similar questions, in order to offer metrics of political comparison that have some integrity to them. Most press surrounding each candidate mostly concerns itself with their character, and trite “He doesn’t/She doesn’t” finger-pointing arguments. While good character is undoubtedly an important quality to have in any elected official, questions of character should not come at the expense of thorough and non-biased questions about each candidate’s skill, expertise, and vision. I hope the two interviews I’ve conducted offer some neutral clarity on the ambivalence of this election.

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2024-09-20 00:47:47