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Where is the truth about Russia's special operation in Ukraine?

Link [2022-03-16 21:31:59]

The Russian Defence Ministry releases only small portions of information about the special operation in Ukraine. Why is this happening? Why do US special services spread fakes, and why are there no free media and businesses in the West? Pravda.Ru asked these questions to Vladimir Bruter, an expert at the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies. After the start of the special operation in Ukraine, a lot of contradictory and unreliable information appear in Russian media space, including from Western sources. Where to look for true information? There is always a lack of information during the times of war. Frontline correspondents can only transmit the information that they receive from their commanders. During the Great Patriotic War, all information was going through the Soviet Information Bureau. When information passes through third parties, it becomes fake and unreliable. In this case, the Ministry of Defense provides very accurate information, which does not satisfy the majority of interested people. It is limited only to what can be announced under these particular conditions. If they, for example, publicly announce that the Russian troops are advancing to a certain airfield, the opposing side will find this information very useful. Therefore, one has to get used to knowing little.

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