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What is the future of science?

Link [2022-11-29 00:34:45]

When we compare humans of today to the first humans some two hundred thousand years ago, all of the fundamental biochemistry inside our present bodies (compared to prehistoric bodies) has essentially remained the same. The laws of physics that are responsible for the miracle of life (an eigenstate of the universe) generated from that biochemistry haven't changed either. Our ancestors largely saw the same stunning star-scape that we do today. They saw the same sunsets and sunrises. They endured cold and hot weather, storms, drought, flooding, earthquakes etc. The primary difference between us and our ancestors is that we somewhat better understand the physical laws governing our natural world and have used this knowledge for our benefit as well as to our detriment. This deeper understanding of the world in which we exist developed because of dedicated scientific inquiry which also prepares the inquisitive mind to benefit from serendipity. Science (natural philosophy) is a difficult teacher but the insights garnered from studying the amazing miracles occurring on a femtosecond basis in our universe are definitely worth it. We have garnered incredible insights about our world and have learned to harness nature; developing tools and machines that make our lives easier and more productive. At the same time, this knowledge, which has allowed us to become masters of Earth, has enabled us to create weapons of mass destruction (e.g. nuclear and bio weapons) that could destroy much of life on this planet. For me, understanding scientific phenomena not only helps me exist in this world filled with myriad uncertainty and challenges, but also inspires me as I better understand a beautiful created world and feel the Love that made it. Nikola Tesla warned us that science without its primary aim dedicated to the betterment (and I would add enlightenment) of all humanity is but a perversion of itself. Beyond that, Tesla, ever the visionary, presciently predicted that wars would be fought by robots and wirelessly guided missiles based largely on technology (e.g. radio/remote control) that he developed. Today, his predictions have come true as a significant fraction of the war in Ukraine is being fought with remote-controlled drones and missiles.

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