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What I See in Ukraine: PURE EVIL

Link [2022-04-20 22:12:03]

Ukraine is a bit of a mystery to me. I have never been there. I know very little if anything of the country or the customs of the Ukrainian people. But I am very experienced in recognizing lies and liars. I see an enormous amount of that in the reporting of the situation in Ukraine. If I listen to western media I see only one thing: Ukraine good, Russia bad. Putin monstrous villain, Zelensky golden angel. There is no middle ground or other varying opinions. And the constant bombardment of lies from western media is actually working to convince the American people that Russia is the bad guy. I don't know what effect the lies have had on the European people, but President Putin's poll numbers show him coming from a 73% approval rating before the Ukraine problem, rising up to a current 83% approval rating. I guess Russians don't watch American TV. Western media tells us of the stunning successes of the Ukrainian military, outsmarting Russia at every turn, most of which are disproven within 48 hours. The Ukrainian military has been so victorious that the Ukrainian military is completely surrounded and systematically being destroyed in Mariupol and other parts of Ukraine by Russian troops. I guess the military leaders and politicians in Russia don't watch American TV either. Maybe, for some strange reason, they think it's "Fake News" If they do think western media is fake news, I can only blame that perception on Maria Zakharova, Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. I saw her, myself, on TV, ignore CNN's Jim Acosta trying to talk to her in a hallway. When Jimmy called after her, as she was walking away, "Maria! Why won't you talk to us?", she spun around and walking backwards, called back to him, "Because you're CNN! You're fake news!" and spun back around, never missing a step with the person she was walking with. As if she had simply stepped on a Fly. So, if any of the upper Brass in Russia think western media is Fake News, it's Maria's fault. (Go Maria!!!) She stepped on Acosta like a cockroach, turned her back and walked, giving the rude little man the proper respect that he had earned.

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