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US empire strikes back: Russia takes the hits, China lives in fear

Link [2022-04-19 21:12:21]

American military, political and economic support for Ukraine has little to do with any real concern for the lives of the Ukrainian people. They are merely cannon fodder for the larger goal of ensuring that there will be no multipolar world that undermines US power or seriously challenges US dollar hegemony as it is today. Further, the US, as Empire, with a big E, seeks to continue to expand its military alliances through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) compelling would be nation-state competitors to steer clear of state sponsored violence against US NATO allies. It seems likely that NATO will continue to expand with Sweden and Finland set to sign on next, and NATO expansion beyond Europe to include nations in Asia is already well underway.Nikkei Asia reported on April 8. 2022, that, "NATO members agreed on Thursday to increase "practical and political cooperation' with Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea, in response to China's failure to condemn Russia's war in Ukraine. "We agreed to step up cooperation with our partners in the Asia-Pacific, because the crisis has global ramifications," NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said at a news conference, concluding two days of meetings of foreign ministers from the military alliance. The four Asia-Pacific countries were invited to attend the NATO gathering in Brussels. China's unwillingness to condemn Russia, and Beijing "join[ing] Moscow in questioning the right of nations to choose their own path" represent "a serious challenge to us all," Stoltenberg said.” Big Move: Beat Down Russia and China The year 2022 will be looked upon as a time when: the United States of America-after suffering an embarrassing military defeat in Afghanistan; military and political setbacks in Iraq, Libya and Syria; leveling cities in Iraq and Syria in pursuit of ISIS (for example, Al Raqqa with the killing of thousands of civilians in the process); and succumbing to a powerful political lobby (Israel) that seeks to stymie a peace process with Iran-made its move to hide and heel to a barn Russia and China and crush their vision for an alternative monetary system and a power center to challenge the USA.The game is afoot, well underway. At home, the American scene is plague by high inflation, supply chain problems, 1 million COVID pandemic deaths, and a political fracture that sees 73 million former president Donald Trump supporters clamoring for the man to run for president in 2024. President Joe Biden appears to be visibly mentally degrading as footage of him seeking to shake hands with people who are not there, wandering aimlessly after speeches, and going dangerously off script, causing the populace to wonder who, really, is in charge of foreign and domestic affairs.Still, with all its internal and external woes, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk get richer, the nuclear triad gets modernized, the Pentagon budget is (with all subsidiaries) over $1 trillion US, and social welfare programs continue to be cut, all the while the stock market finds ways to profit of the Russia v Ukraine conflict and assorted global suffering.

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