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Ukraine, the Law of Neutrality and the criminal international reaction

Link [2022-04-13 00:33:30]

The United States of America and its yapping chihuahuas are once again breaching international law in facilitating the supply of arms to a party in conflict Focus on Ukraine, again. And yet again I reiterate, tears taste of salt, whoever sheds them; I can see no difference whatsoever between the tears of a Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainian mother or those of a Russian-speaking Ukrainian mother or a Russian mother over the death of a son or daughter. Or those of any child over the death of any parent or any sibling over the death of a brother or sister, or any of these over the death of a loved one. Focus on Ukraine, again. The simplicity, the black-and-white reporting, the taking of sides, the hate-mongering and the knee-jerk russophobia practised by the western media in this story is as risible as it is puerile, it is as shockingly naive as it is criminal in its intentions, namely to shape public opinion against President Putin in particular and Russia in general by presenting a skewed version of events. The sheer one-sidedness goes against the deontology of journalism, the lies and manipulation of the truth have turned the debacle into a photoshop exercise which creates demons and monsters that never existed and which is an insult to all involved. The utter insolence of political leaders towards Russia is stunning and a clear indication that we are not dealing here with grown-up ladies and gentlemen.

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