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Ukraine: Propaganda, the Truth and Cockfighting

Link [2022-04-07 23:32:16]

First Quarter 2022. A turning point in the geopolitical history of Humankind and a challenge to human values, dictating the coming decades. Looking at the world today, I am utterly appalled at what I see. And what do I see? I see a cockfight, an ugly cockfight, surrounded by a hysterical crowd braying, screaming, shouting, their eyes bloodshot with hatred, fists clenched, mouths twisted in fury, eyes burning with the fires of vitriol. Fired up, tense, screaming like banshees. The world today looks like a Medieval witch hunt, or a cellar where the Inquisition tortures people to death using unspeakably cruel methods and devices. The very worst of human behaviour has come back to stare us in the face. Propaganda and Freedom People can be branded undesirable and accused of harmful propaganda just because they are exposing facts or expressing their opinions. Is this where we have arrived after all these years of development? Are these the parameters of democracy which everyone says they adhere to? Are these the pillars of our so-called civilised society?

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