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Ukraine: Love yes, hatred no

Link [2022-03-09 18:52:32]

Let us bury hatred and let us sell love. Let us build bridges, let us sponsor projects which favour peace and reconciliation. Love yes, hatred no. Hatred began this whole sad episode in our history. My mother went through a childhood shaking glass out of school books and climbing under or out from under a table, dictated by the sound of air raid sirens. Her house was bombed directly and if the family had not moved the day before, they would have been killed and I would not be here (neither would my twin brother). After the war my mother never expressed any hatred for the Germans whose bombers and missiles had accompanied her childhood although she spent the rest of her life speaking about the war and Doodlebugs (V1) and V2 rockets “which were not as frightening because you couldn’t hear them coming” and just before she passed away in 2000 at over ninety years of age, she told me that Covid was more frightening than the Doodlebugs because at least with the Doodlebugs you could hear them and this thing is an invisible evil. So her brilliant mind, which she put to good use helping communities for over seventy years, was shaped by references to war. She, and I, and many others, by the turn of the century, thought that we would never see conflict again. But the flames of hatred flared up again in Ukraine, which to a certain extent had become a training ground for Fascists. The Azov Battalion marched around sporting Nazi insignia and murdering people. There is still one reference to a massacre that has not yet been pulled from the Net and that is the Trade Union building massacre in Odessa in 2014. Probably it will soon disappear and people will respond to references of it by saying “Prove it, present evidence!” (which has been pulled from the Net).

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