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Ukraine being destroyed by proxy, not for peace or sustainable future

Link [2022-03-24 17:54:04]

Cynicism about politics is endemic across all cultures. When intelligent people think and plan war, it negates the very human nature of reasoned mind at peace within its own consciousness and balanced tranquility. The earth trembles with continuous shelling and bombing, sirens sound alarms of coming of killer hypersonic missiles, frightening thought of deaths and destructions and common citizens wonder where to hide in safety across Ukraine. Russian military operatives deny shelling the civilian habitats but civilian causalities on the ground in Mariupol, Kharkov and Kiev speak another language as if Ukraine and Russia live in conflicting time zones being unable to understand the reality of human existence, peace and survival. The perpetuated chaos and nationalistic ideals of the few are leading to collapsed civilizations and resumption of dark ages. Could armed conflicts be ever the source of peacemaking? No matter how time exists in a frozen intellect, Reason will haunt the present and future generations if war was a prelude to peace-making.

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