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Ukraine: Another Failed NATO Adventure

Link [2022-02-26 10:52:45]

When a supposedly independent country surrenders its autonomy allowing hostile foreign armies (NATO) to gather within its borders, equips and trains Neo-Nazi groups to provoke its next door neighbour who in recent history suffered an estimated 20 million dead from these insidious characters, isn't it time to put an end to this? As the UN and western politicians wring their hands at the rise of right wing extremism in the west, NATO is more than willing to train those groups that benefit their expansionist policies elsewhere. From Afghanistan to Syria, NATO has enjoyed a quarter century of overwhelming success in bombing, invading and organizing coups against those oil producers who abandoned the dollar thereby incurring the wrath of a US led NATO. Oh the irony, as NATO now accuses Russia of aggression in the Ukraine! Had Russia not intervened in Syria, Iran would no longer exist; Similarly, if not for President Putin, Yeltsin (1991-1999) would have ensured that Russia would now be a near third-world economic basket case dependent on hand-outs from the European Central Banks. A fate that befell former USSR countries that allied themselves with the European Union (EU).

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