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The Great White West Aims to Crush Slavs and Chinese

Link [2022-06-27 20:30:50]

"And the noteworthy thing is this, that while America avariciously fed the war with her industry and avariciously intervened in order to help crush a likely and dangerous competitor, she has nevertheless retained a reputation for pacifism. This is one of the most interesting paradoxes, one of the most curious jokes of history-jokes from which we did not and do not derive much merriment. American imperialism is in essence ruthlessly rude, predatory, in the full sense of the word, and criminal. But owing to the special conditions of American development, it has the possibility of draping itself in the toga of pacifism. This is not at all done in the manner of the imperialist parvenus of the old world where everything remains transparent. In the case of the US, however, its bourgeoisie and its government, thanks to the special conditions of America's development, this same pacifist mask seems to have become so glued on the imperialist visage that it cannot be torn off… The imperialist progress of the US therefore proceeds under the banner of "the freedom of the seas,” "open doors,” and so on. Thus when America is compelled to engage in acts of open military criminality, the responsibility — in the eyes of the US population and to a certain degree in the eyes of mankind as a whole, falls upon all the other citizens on the planet but not on the USA itself.” Leon Trotsky from the Internet ArchiveAs the United States fractures internally (Roe v Wade overturned, economy, military spending, etc.), president Joe Biden and his NATO cronies continue to pursue a sanctions regime-and NATO expansion-against Russia that is having the ironic effect of damaging the economies of Europe and the United States, and the ability of the US to wage war. That reality seems to have reached everyone in the world except the dolts who lead the Western nations.It truly is astonishing to watch the G-7 and NATO summits which are theaters of the absurd; meetings of rouge bandits laughing away while their policies lead to death and destruction on a global scale. Highway robbery does not describe adequately what the US-Europe have done with Russian foreign assets or those of other nations (Iran, Venezuela, Afghanistan) at the receiving end of the US sanctions regime. Further, as the United States and its NATO puppets continue to punish Russia for its military activities in Ukraine, the end result of the deadly gambit is to send to the slaughter more Ukrainians as Russia methodically moves to liberate Luhansk and Donetsk, and fortify its gains in the south of Ukraine. Arsenal of Stupidity Meanwhile, defense contractors apparently are set to make billions to replenish stocks of ammunition and weapons sent to Ukraine by the US and NATO. US troop and equipment levels in Europe will reach Cold War heights in the future. But even here, the feckless allies seem to be shooting themselves in the foot, so to speak, as-like sanctions on Russian oil and other goods that have been counterproductive-the ability of US defense industry to arm Ukraine and its customers in a timely manner, or to go toe to toe with Russia's and China's defense production capacity, is open to question. Does the US have an adequate defense industrial base to continue to supply the Ukrainians and fight the Russians and Chinese? Moreover, the Russians have thrown a monkey wrench into US military theory about precision guided weapons as the ultimate solution to fighting cheaper and more accurately on the battlefield. According to Alex Vershinin writing for the Royal United Services Institute:

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