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The Current Level of Western Indoctrination is now a Threat to Humanity

Link [2022-05-25 08:17:45]

Although the Ukraine crisis is currently the number one talking point, it also contains an indoctrination bordering on a cult-like fanaticism not seen since the 20th century in totalitarian societies.  "When national and political discourse is no longer rooted in verifiable fact, then facts are interchangeable with opinions; truth is whatever you want it to be" -- Chris Hedges, 2018. A Western Alice in Wonderland And why not? If Al Gore could persuade already majority stupefied populations that the ice caps were going to melt, and Obama that ISIS in Syria were "moderate rebels", it can’t have been too difficult to persuade the same believers that Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi militias are freedom fighters and those fighting them are Nazis. Believe and so shall it be.Who can forget the cheers of the UN IN 2018 as they enthusiastically applauded 16 year old high school dropout Greta Thunberg, with Asperger syndrome, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and selective mutism, who predicted a climate extinction unless we "do something."

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