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Smart working: A Revolution, or a missed opportunity?

Link [2022-10-04 23:30:24]

The Covid pandemic brought with it a lot of nightmares for many families around the world but it also brought new opportunities. Have we let these fall by the wayside? Back to where we were before the Ukraine story broke and hijacked the Covid Pandemic story which was beginning to see the world come together as one, facing the same monster and finding common solutions. So much for that, it was too good to be true, in that aspect. Here we all are again looking at each other through the sights of a gun. Now for something completely different. No sooner had Covid broken out, than the conspiracy theorists came flooding out of the woodwork in their hundreds of millions telling us this was a scam and a means for “them” to inject “us” with a microchip so as to kill us and control us. So, our first job as those with the keys to media outlets, was to try to talk some sense into people which started happening only after thousands had died, some needlessly. Only then did most recognise that Covid kills (unfortunately I lost a very close family member to it) and then most started to get vaccinated. I have had three, which certainly saved my life when after being careful for two and a half years I somehow succumbed this July but fortunately had a very mild case.

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