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Sick of Ukraine, sick of Zelensky, dreading US Tomahawks, B-2’s and F-35’s over Eastern Ukraine

Link [2022-04-07 23:32:16]

Sometime soon, there are decent odds that while you are watching your favorite sporting event or streaming movie on the television or Web, you see and hear the following message: "We interrupt this programming for a special announcement: The President of the United States, Joe Biden.Biden will be in the Oval Office, sitting at his desk, and drop a statement something like this: "Good evening my fellow Americans: Moments ago I ordered Tomahawk missile strikes on Russian military units in Eastern Ukraine. I also authorized our two most advanced military aircraft, the B-2 and F-35 to strike Russian forces along Ukraine's Black Sea coast. We cannot allow war crimes such as those in Bucha, Ukraine, and other communities to go unpunished. President Vladimir Putin will ultimately be held accountable for this heinous act. Some 400 civilians were murdered in Bucha. We can't allow that to stand. American has always stood for freedom and democracy around the world and has sacrificed blood and treasure for those causes. My fellow Americans, there may come a time soon when we will all have to sacrifice in the fight to save the world from autocratic [capitalist] leaders. Our way of life is threatened. We may need more personnel to fight this fight and that means a return to selective service…God Bless America, God Bless our Troops” What could possible go wrong? The stench from the hypocrisy of such a statement will seep through LCD screens everywhere. Did the entire American populace sign up for US intervention in Ukraine? Did we sign on to higher gas prices, food prices, or to witness a few bad decisions the lead to WWIII? Ukrainian's average income is about $3000 (USD) a year. It is poor and corrupt. And what about Iraq II, Afghanistan? Americans don't remember yesterday as David Bowie sang in Young Americans.How much more can we tolerate the President of Ukraine, V. Zelensky? He has been sent by the USGOV to elected bodies worldwide begging for NATO aircraft and boots on the ground in Eastern Ukraine. The US Government/CIA and the Pentagon are firmly in charge of Zelensky and Ukraine, make no mistake about it. Zelensky is part of US MISO (see below). He shows up during the Grammy Awards, and is mentioned during the Oscars. Ukraine donation buckets are at 7-11 markets across America. Some homeowners in the suburbs of Washington, DC, have taken to displaying the Ukrainian flag. The local classical music station plays Ukrainian artists and asks us to support them somehow. Employment search engines like Indeed encourage the user to support Ukraine. Zelensky is lionized as a Winston Churchill a wartime leader. Nope, he is just a tool of United States strategy and tactics, and its is no conspiracy but well planned by the USA.

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