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Showing restraint in Ukraine only emboldens the West

Link [2022-03-18 05:11:39]

Nothing gave greater pleasure than the sudden end of the Covid hysteria. Suddenly, the hype that everyone was going to die unless they were vaccinated disappeared from the news and left a vacuum that needed to be filled. The Middle East repeating itself in Europe It didn't take long and having failed to control the Middle East oil producing countries, the usual culprit is alive and well and back in Europe causing the same civil unrest, pitting populations against each other and arming sympathetic factions as NATO countries begin to supply weapons to Ukraine, whilst keeping at a safe distance themselves. Where is the news that the US has only been at peace for less than two decades since its independence in 1776 and so it's not really a surprise that it transferred its operations to Europe and is enjoying a boom period after arms sales fell in the Middle East. Business is business as they say. Before 2014, the hysterical majority probably couldn't even find Ukraine on a map because there wasn't a problem. The problem in the Ukraine arose only when the US interfered and Russia, as in Syria, intervened to stop it. I hope the ones on social media each trying to outdo the others in condemnation also did the same for the Middle Eastern populations when NATO set about them? I suspect not.

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