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Regime change in Washington

Link [2022-03-28 21:12:29]

Biden says Putin cannot continue, an imperialist show of extreme ignorance, arrogance and insolence. Let us examine Biden’s pown record and reach our conclusion The intervention of the United States of America in wars Since the second world war, the United States of America has been involved in countless wars, military campaigns and operations, to name a few: China 1945/6; Syria 1949; Korea 1950/3; Persia 1953; Guatemala 1954; Tibet 1955/70s; Indonesia 1958;Zaire 1960/65; Vietnam 1965/73; Cuba 1961; Dominican Republic 1961; DR Congo 1964; Laos 1964/73; Dominican Republic 1965/6; Peru 1965; Greece 1967; Guatemala 1967/9; Cambodia 1969/70; Chile 1970/3; Argentina 1976; Angola 1976/92; El Salvador 1981/92; Nicaragua 1981/90; Cambodia 1980/95; Lebanon 1982/4; Grenada 1983; Libya 1986; Iran 1987/8; Libya 1989; Philippines 1989; Panama 1989; Iraq 1990/1; Somalia 1992/4; Iraq 1992/6; Bosnia-Herzegovina 1995/6; Iraq 1998; Sudan 1998; Serbia 1999; Afghanistan 2001/21; Iraq 2003/11; Pakistan 2004 to present; Somalia 2007 to present; Kenya 2007 to present; Libya 2011; Uganda 2011/17; Iraq 2014/17;Syria 2014-present; Yemen  2015-present. Venezuela 2019. This, apart from behind-the-scenes skulduggery provoking rebellions, regime changes, acts of sabotage, terrorism and murder, cavorting with terrorists (in Afghanistan in the 1970’s for instance). Mention CIA and everyone in the four corners of the Earth knows we are dealing with the Devil.

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