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Patrushev: The West may have to deal with terrible consequences due to its indifference

Link [2022-08-24 23:46:24]

European politicians remain indifferent to acts of sabotage committed by the Ukrainian authorities. Ukraine conducts subversive activities that threaten nuclear facilities. Ukraine may thus destroy itself as a result of such acts, Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council said. "The indifference that European politicians show towards Kyiv's growing appetites as it is being carried away by sabotage activities that pose danger to nuclear facilities as Ukraine tries to use chemical and bacteriological weapons, may ultimately lead to the self-destruction of Ukraine and trigger irreparable consequences for Western countries,” TASS quoted Patrushev as saying. Russia requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council in connection with Kyiv's ongoing provocations around the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Russia provided photographic evidence to the UN Security Council and the General Assembly proving acts of shelling of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant by the Ukrainian military.

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